When you own a motorhome there are many expenses that come with it, not least of which is the cost of motorhome insurance. Insurance is something that nobody relishes paying for but it’s legal obligation to have it in the UK.
If you want to save money on motorhome insurance then there are some very reliable ways of doing this. Below are some of the best.
Make your motorhome secure
Making your motorhome as secure as possible is one of the best ways to save money on motorhome insurance.
Some of the best ways to make your motorhome secure are –
- Install a tracker
- Use a steering wheel lock
- Park is securely
Increase your excess
The excess is what you would pay towards a claim if you had to make one for any reason. This is quite a risky way to reduce the cost of your premium since you only really benefit when you take out the policy and if you didn’t need to make a claim. Still it is a very easy way to keep costs down at the beginning.
Get cover from a specialist provider
Getting cover from specialist motorhome insurance providers is always recommended if you want to get the best price possible. Specialist providers will always take your unique circumstances into account. Even people with criminal convictions are able to get insurance from specialist providers online from sites such as Conviction Insure.
Get a bare bones policy
Another way to keep the cost of your motorhome insurance to a minimum is by getting a bare bones third party only policy. If you’re a very cautious driver and are confident that you won’t need to make a claim due to a collision then a third party policy will be fine. You can always add other cover if you feel it’s needed i.e. fire and theft, breakdown assistance, windscreen repair etc.
Make your home more secure
Any steps you can take to make your home more secure can also help you to save money on motorhome insurance. Having a secure gate and fence around your property is ideal but you can also take other steps to make home secure, such as installing blinds on windows and doors.
Blinds For Bifolds have an extensive range of blinds, including their French door blinds range.
Get a lot of quotes
Getting a lot of quotes is a very obvious way to save money on motorhome insurance. With all the great insurance comparison sites out there now there’s no good reason not to get quotes from many providers. Not only can you tailor your insurance requirements very easily online but you can easily compare the quotes you get and pick the one that’s the best value for money.